Infrastructure and Network
- Halex provides an outsourced technology and professional services or ASP (Application Service Provider) model. In many cases we develop the required business functionality and then host, manage and maintain the application in our own secure co-location facility at 151 Front St. in downtown Toronto. Halex’s customers enjoy the benefits of custom-developed applications, hosted in a secure and professionally managed environment without the need to maintain a technical staff or technical infrastructure.
- Our Tier 1 co-location facility is not only maintained at 151 Front Street in Toronto, Canada but also 111 8th Avenue in New York. This facility supports an array of equipment including Harris and other commercial and proprietary circuit switches, CISCO, Dell and IBM equipment, DDOS and multi-level firewall solutions.
- Halex’s colocation facility has been reviewed and received clearance to provide services to the Ministry of the Attorney General.